Tallahassee Democrat
July 14, 2008
Letter to the editor
On July 10, Gov. Crist released his strategies for “. . .increased access for persons with disabilities.” As a member of America’s largest minority group, and one of the commissioners who contributed to the 49 recommendations, I salute the governor’s leadership.
The governor charged the cross-disability commission to research, learn, and recommend policy initiatives that would advance the independence, self-sufficiency and overall self-reliance of Floridians with disabilities.
Gov. Crist sincerely believes, as do I, that the 3.2 million Floridians with disabilities can and should make meaningful contributions to our community. The commission’s report provides a comprehensive picture of Florida’s largest and most inclusive minority population, and articulates meaningful action oriented steps that remove both real and perceived barriers faced by Floridians with disabilities.
To make Florida more accessible for all, barriers to education, employment, transportation and independent living must come down. We all have a role to play in achieving a barrier-free state.
J.R. Harding